In the current internet age, it has become normal for people to turn to internet for information about their health. Here comes Dr. Google! However, there is a deluge of information available over the internet, many often contradictory. How do you know what sources are credible and which sites you take with a pinch of salt? Read along as I break down what factors to consider when sourcing your health information online, and see a list of few credible sources of health information online

Author/sponsorship: find out who are the authors/reviewers of the information. What are their credentials, are they experts in their fields? who is/are the sponsor(s)? Find out if there are any conflicts of interests.
Purpose of the website: try to understand the purpose of the website. Read through the 'about us' section of the website. Is the aim primarily to provide you with information or is the author trying to sell you specific products?
How current is the information?: the world of medicine is rapidly changing and evolving everyday. Find out how current is the information, how often the information is being updated. You do not want to make health decisions based on outdated protocols/recommendations.

Beware of false information circulating around especially on social media. Social media is the last place you want to derive your health information from. Check such information or claims for consistency with general views.
Based on my experience: here is a list of credible sources of health information online. This list is by no means exhaustive, it's just a quick and short list.
So tread carefully when getting your health information online, more importantly, listen to your guts. Contact your health care providers when needed because googling your health symptoms may leave you more confused and worried than you were before searching. Access the right care when needed. Take care and stay safe.
