Since the beginning of pandemic, COVID-19 has taken a toll on mental health and general well-being of people in different parts of the world. There are increased reports of sleepless nights and vivid dreams even some reports increased incidence of nightmares. According to the Canadian Mental Health association, the COVID-19 pandemic is real and there is an ECHO-PANDEMIC which nobody talks about. The ECHO-PANDEMIC is the increase in mental health issues among the population. Today I'm writing about how to avoid sleepless night even in the midst of a pandemic. Just this week, the number of deaths due to COVID-19 crossed the 1 million line and this number is still rising. Rising death rate comes with more worries about the pandemic and when it will all end. Read on to get learn about how to combat sleeplessness in this challenging period.

What is Insomnia?
Occasional lack of sleep here and there may be no cause for alarm. However if you find yourself being unable to sleep for more than 3 nights per week and ongoing for at least 3 months, especially when it interferes with your day to day activities, then it is time to seek help. Sometimes the problem may be difficulty falling asleep (sleep latency), difficulty staying asleep (sleep maintenance) or not feeling rested after night sleep (sleep quality). Whichever case, it is important to get adequate sleep to maintain good health.
Importance of sleep
It is recommended for adults to have 7-8 hours of sleep per night. That number is higher in children and infants since they require more sleep time for proper brain function and development. Adequate sleep
- allows the body to rest and increases the body's immunity, ability to fight infection.
- reduces stress level and improves the mood.
- improves clarity of your mind and ability to focus on tasks during the day
- aids optimal weight control. When you are well rested you will be less hungry during the day and thus able to maintain an healthy weight.
What are the causes of insomnia?
Stress: going through a stressful situation such as major life changes or going through a pandemic as we currently are,
Medications: some medications can interfere with you ability to fall and stay asleep such as stimulants for ADHD or antidepressants. These medications should be taken in the morning to prevent interference with sleep.
Medical conditions: anxiety, depression, allergies, pain.
Non-drug measures
I personally do not recommend going the route of prescription medications for sleep due to the risk of abuse and addiction. The best solution is to find the root-cause of lack of sleep and address it. It would also be of great help to follow good sleep hygiene. Below are some of the non-drug measures to achieve a good night sleep
- Regular exercise during the day, avoid exercise late in the evening
- Warm bath before bed
- Glass of warm milk before bed
- Avoid long daytime naps. Do not nap for more than 30 minutes during the day
- Go to bed at about the same time every day and get up from bed at the same time every day so as to develop a sleep routine.
- Avoid alcohol, nicotine and caffeine
- Avoid bright lights from electronic devices such as TV, computers, phones for about 1 hour before your bedtime
- Avoid large meals before bed
- Use your room for only sleep and sexual activities. Go to bed only when ready to sleep
- Keep a journal to vent your frustrations and keep your mind free of worries before youu sleep
- Prayers and meditation

O-T-C sleep pills
Melatonin: is a neurohormone that plays an important role in regulating sleep. Its levels begin to rise in the evening to promote sleep and fall in the morning to help wake you up. Low levels of melatonin can lead to sleepless especially in the elderly population. Melatonin reduces the time to fall asleep by by about 10 mins. Many people wonder about the effectiveness of melatonin for sleep but melatonin works mainly by reducing sleep latency and resetting your sleep wake cycle (circadian rythm). Thus, it is of most value to people that work night shifts or those with jet lag. It may not be appropriate for lack of sleep due to stress alone.
Melatonin should not be used for longer that few weeks at a time. Melatonin is to be taken 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime. Start at a lower dose of 3mg and increased to 5mg if needed. Some melatonin products come as sublingual tablets that can be dissolved below the tongue. This route of administration results in quicker absorption and quicker onset of action.
Melatotin + L-theanine + 5HTP: this product contains extra ingredients in addition to melatonin. L-theanine is an amino acid found most commonly in tea leaves, both green and black tea. Studies show that L-theanine promotes relaxation without drowsiness. 5-HTP is a naturally occurring amino acid and is a precursor to serotonin. Serotonin can in turn be converted into the hormone melatonin. This particular product is a tropical fruit-flavored chewable tablet.
Visit this link for more valuable resources on sleep
Remember, in such a time of pandemic like this, you are not alone in your struggles to keep your head above. Do not lose your sleep or feel isolated. Get connected with your social and family network. If connections can not be done physically due to restrictions then go virtual. Keeping healthy social relationships can help in improving your mood and general sense of well being. If you are still having trouble sleeping despite the non pharmacologic and OTC options, talk to your doctor.
