Have you ever tried to blink, blink-blink, look away from your computer, then you close your eyes for a moment, yet you experience dry, watery, and perhaps gritty eyes? Then you may be experiencing signs and symptoms of dry eyes. Before you read further, let's talk about the red flags that means you need to see your eye doctor immediately: red eyes, pain in the eye, visual disturbances, swollen eyes, or discharge in the eyes. Any of these may imply something serious is going on with your eyes that needs to be checked out by a professional.

Causes of dry eyes:
People with dry eyes either have low production of natural tears or increased evaporation of the tears causing feeling of sand or grit in the eyes. Inability to keep the eye moist enough causes the eye to produce even more tears which then leads to paradoxical tearing. Other causes of dry eyes include use of certain medications, presence of medical conditions such as Sjogren syndrome or due to previous laser eye surgery
Non-drug measures:
Some non-drug measures you can use to manage the symptoms are as follows. Number one point is to avoid long periods of screen times, watching TV, staring at the computer or cell phones. I know this could be hard to do especially in the current age and time where everything is being done online. If you are going to be behind the screen for a long time, then be sure to blink your eyes more often, look away from the screen for a few seconds every now and then. Secondly avoid dry and dusty environment, avoid rubbing your eyes, which can lead to further irritation of the eyes. Also you can try increasing your fluid intake. Use a humidifier in the winter whenever the heating is on.
Non-prescription eye products:
There are a variety of non-prescription lubricant eye products that can be used to treat and or manage dry eye symptoms. These are made up of lubricants or artificial tears that keep the eye moisturized. Since they do not contain any medication, they can be applied as often as every 3-4 hours. There is also limited evidence for use of oral omega-3 and omega-6 products. So you can also up your intake of fatty fish such as tuna, salmon,sardines, mackerel to help with dry eye symptoms.
How to choose which product to use:
If you will be applying eye drops more than 4 times daily, then it would be better to opt for the preservative-free single dose format. The presence of preservatives in the multi-dose formulation can irritate the eyes further in some cases. Although hylo is a multi-dose format, the bottle has been designed in such a way that permit delivery of drops without the use of preservatives. Contact lens wearers need to check whether specific eye lubricant products are compatible with contact lenses. There is no evidence to prove that one particular brand works better than the other so, you just have to try them out one at a time and stick to whatever work best for you. Here are a few options to consider...
In conclusion, bear in mind that dry eye is only a symptom. Therefore eye lubricants can help manage the symptom and they do not solve the underlying problem. If you have tried any over the counter products with no improvement, then the next step with be to visit your health care provider to explore other prescription-only options. Thanks for reading, and I'll catch you in my next article.
